Graduate Learning Outcome Standards (Standar Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan/SCPL)

SCPL is the result of the elaboration of elements of learning outcomes that have been determined by the National Higher Education Standards (DIKTI), namely aspects of general attitudes and skills, as well as the incorporation of aspects of knowledge and specific skills in it.

SCPL Sports Coaching Education Study Program, Faculty of Sports Science, State University of Malang consists of seven standards, including:

Have the knowledge and ability to display behavior as a religious citizen, love the state, nation, and culture of Indonesia based on the spirit of Pancasila, and have independence in working innovatively, adaptively and critically in accordance with global dynamics.

Mastering theoretical concepts in the field of sports so as to be able to independently carry out a comprehensive coaching process, in accordance with the latest developments in science and technology, by applying logical, systematic and innovative thinking, in line with religious norms, professional ethics and applicable laws and regulations.

Mastering the theoretical concepts and procedures of sports coaching so as to be able to independently carry out a comprehensive coaching process, in accordance with the latest developments in science and technology, by applying logical, systematic and innovative thinking, in line with religious norms, professional ethics and applicable laws and regulations.

Mastering the theoretical concepts of athlete development growth and talent scouting so as to be able to independently analyze talented athletes in accordance with the latest developments in knowledge and technology in order to support decision making in determining talented athletes by upholding social sensitivity, cultural diversity, views and religion.

Mastering the concept of sports coaching procedures and being able to solve, analyze sports achievement problems independently with an approach to science and technology by informing the writing of the final project through the use of information technology in accordance with religious norms, social norms and ethical values of writing.

Mastering the concepts, principles and techniques of sports management and investment independently so as to be able to analyze information in order to support business decision making through the use of information technology in accordance with religious norms, social norms and professional ethical values.

Mastering the concept of entrepreneurship in the field of sports so as to be able to independently design and implement business feasibility studies that are oriented towards religious norms and social norms by utilizing information technology so as to contribute to improving the quality of life in society, nation, state.