In order to achieve the goals and expected graduate profiles, a total of 146 credits of learning are arranged in eight semesters, namely the Basic Character Development Course (MDPK) of 12 credits, the Basic Educational Science Course (MDKP) of 8 credits, the Basic Science and Expertise Course Sports Coaching (MDKKKO) is 90 credits, and Specialization and Self-Development Courses (MPPD) are 36 credits, in this group of elective courses students are given the opportunity to take courses from other study programs/universities a maximum of 15 credits. Although the required number of credits is 146 credits, the PKO S1 Study Program provides a total of 330 credits, this is intended to provide learning freedom for students. The complete curriculum structure and distribution of the PKO S1 Study Program can be observed as follows.


Semester (Number of Credits)


Semester 1 (22 SKS) Pancasila Education, Student Development, Introduction to Sports and Health Sciences, Human Anatomy and Physiology, Sports History and Philosophy, Motor Development and Motor Learning, Sports Exercise Methods, Scientific Writing Techniques, Athletics and Gymnastics
Semester 2

(24 SKS)

Islamic Religious Education, Introduction to Education, Sports Physiology, Physical Exercise Methods, Journal of Sports, Volleyball, Basketball, Soccer, Basic Sports Coaching, Basic Physical Training, Information and Communication Technology, and Sports English.
Semester 3

(24 SKS)

Citizenship Education, Learning and Learning, Biomechanics and Sports Kinesiology, Statistics, Mental Exercise Methods, Swimming, Pencak Silat, Sports Advanced Training, Advanced Physical Training, Badminton, Beach Volleyball, Aerobic Gymnastics and Physical Fitness Instructors.
Semester 4

(24 SKS)

Sports Psychology, Tests and Measurements, Sports Nutrition Science, Sports Sociology and Anthropology, Sports Talent Scouting, Physical Training for Sports, Evaluation of Physical Conditions, Sports Facilities and Infrastructure, Sports Human Resources Management, Softball, Petanque, Cricket, and Handball.
Semester 5 (21 SKS) Innovation Management, Sports Evaluation, Sports Pedagogy, Training Program Development, Tactics and Strategy Coaching for Sports, Physical Condition Facilities and Infrastructure, Sports Massage, Sports Entrepreneurship, Sports with Disabilities, Early Age Sports, Traditional Sports, Recreational Sports, Judo, and Futsal
Semester 6


Micro Coaching, Research Methods, Community Service Program, Development of Sports Training Programs, Development of Physical Exercise Programs, First Aid & First Aid in Sports Injuries, Recreational Sports, Sports Physiotherapy, Doping in Sports, Sports Policy, Statistics of Sports Competitions, Outbound, Physical Activity for Seniors, Table Tennis and Court Tennis.
Semester 7

(4 SKS)

Semester 8

(6 SKS)
