Undergraduate Student Scholarships (On-Going)

For On-Going Students who are looking for scholarships, here is a summary list of students who are regularly offered each year by various scholarship providers:

PPA Scholarship
The Enhanced Academic Achievement (PPA) Scholarship is offered regularly by the government through the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. This scholarship is intended for students who are currently studying either at the Diploma or Bachelor level at PTN or PTS throughout Indonesia. PPA Scholarship recipients will receive financial assistance of IDR 350,000 per month which is given based on the current fiscal year period to each candidate.

Scholarship of Excellence
The Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) opens registration for the Excellence Scholarship program which is divided into three types, namely the Outstanding Community Excellence Scholarship, the 3T Excellence Scholarship and the Kemendikbud Employee Excellence Scholarship. These scholarships are provided to support efforts to improve the quality of Indonesia’s human resources through the provision of education and training assistance through both degree and non-degree pathways. More info: https://buonline.beasiswaunggulan.kemdikbud.go.id/

Mizan Scholarship
Mizan Publisher annually routinely provides Mizan Scholarships to help fund the final project of study (thesis, thesis or dissertation) for final semester students in Indonesia. It is hoped that the Mizan Scholarship Program can support the spirit of creativity and the quality of work of prospective Indonesian scholars. The requirements for participating in the Mizan scholarship are that the final research work must be themed Islamic studies, viewed from its various aspects (teachings, philosophical texts, social, political, economic, cultural, historical, technological, scientific and others). More info: http://www.mizan.com/beasiswa-mizan-2/

BCA Finance Scholarship
BCA Finance Scholarship is offered by BCA Finance Peduli for students throughout the country. The advantage of this scholarship is that it is open to all D4 and S1 students from PTN and PTS throughout Indonesia. If you are currently undergoing or have completed semester 2 then this scholarship is worth trying. The scholarship is given in the form of tuition assistance worth IDR 3,000,000 per semester. Registration usually starts in May to June each year. More info: https://www.bcafinance.co.id/

Hasri Ainun Habibie Orbit Scholarship
The Orbit Hasri Ainun Habibie Scholarship Program offered by the Amal Abadi Foundation is a tangible form of Mrs. Hasri Ainun Habibie’s commitment to the future of human resources who have enormous potential, but are constrained by family economic problems. This scholarship can be tried for students in semester 1 to 8 from universities throughout Indonesia. Scholarship assistance will be given to each scholarship recipient according to their needs. More info: https://www.orbitainunhabibie.or.id/

Beasiswa Juara from Kompas and Avian
The Beasiswa Juara program is organized by Kompas Daily and Avian Brands for undergraduate students from state and private universities in Indonesia. The scholarship is in the form of tuition fees for 2 (two) semesters totaling Rp 10,000,000 (ten million rupiah). In addition, this program also provides self-potential development through skills training to enrich soft skills and hard skills. More info: https://beasiswajuara.kompas.id/

Bukalapak Scholarship
Bukalapak also offers a scholarship list program for undergraduate students. This program is offered in the BukaBeasiswa and BukaFigure schemes. The benefits include tuition assistance for 2 semesters, pocket money worth IDR 2,000,000 per month, and so on. More info: https://bukapotensi.bukalapak.com/

CIMB Niaga Scholarships
One of the list of scholarships for undergraduate students is the CIMB ASEAN Scholarships Program. This scholarship is offered for high school graduates who will take undergraduate courses at any university (domestic or overseas) as well as undergraduate students who are currently studying, either domestically or overseas in their first year or second year. The scholarships are in the form of full tuition scholarships, including registration, tuition fees and exams, books, living allowances, accommodation, internship opportunities, and others. More info: http://investor.cimbniaga.co.id/csr/scholarship.html

Nusantara Activist Scholarship
The 2019 Nusantara Activist Scholarship (BAKTI NUSA) is offered by Dompet Dhuafa for 7th semester undergraduate students. The BAKTI NUSA program is a leadership development program for student activists to form leaders with character and competence who play an active role in society for the realization of an empowered Indonesia. The scholarship includes activity assistance funds of IDR 800,000 per month for one year, English language training (TOEFL/IELTS) for one month, and various useful training and coaching. More info: http://www.baktinusa.id/

Postgraduate Scholarship

For students who want to find scholarships to take UM PLS Study Program postgraduate education, a list of scholarships that can be selected are:

LPDP Scholarship
The Education Fund Management Agency (LPDP) opens the LPDP Indonesian Education Scholarship Program (BPI). BPI consists of several types of scholarships, one of which is Regular Scholarships for Masters and Doctoral Programs. LPDP scholarships are given to support the availability of human resources for specialist doctors in Indonesia. This scholarship is a full scholarship. More info: https://www.lpdp.kemenkeu.go.id/

Scholarships of Excellence
The Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) is intended for prospective students who have been accepted at universities and active students in maximum semester 2. Beasiswa Unggulan Masyarakat Berprestasi is intended for general applicants and is not prioritized for lecturers. The scholarships offered are intended for S1, S2, and S3 degree programs. If you have currently been accepted at a domestic university with a minimum university accreditation of B, the Community Excellence Scholarship can be an option. Likewise, those who are already active students and maximum semester 2 can also register. So, applicants can come from new students or students who are currently undergoing lectures (on going). Scholarships are provided in the form of tuition fees, living expenses, and book fees. More info: https://buonline.beasiswaunggulan.kemdikbud.go.id/